Monday, December 12, 2016

Origami Yoda Series by Tom Angleberger


The students of McQuarrie Middle School face off against a few of their teachers, the principal (Mrs. Rabbski), the school board, and the EduFun corporation when they form the Origami Rebel Alliance, a play off of the Star Wars Rebel Alliance. When test scores seem to be directing the curriculum for the entire school and the elective teachers are either fired or forced to teach a FunTime class, the Origami Rebel Alliance has no choice but to . . . well, rebel! Tom Angleberger's series, which consists of 6 books, explores what can happen when students and teachers align to defeat a greater power - the EduFun enterprise, which is backed by the school board. 

Find out what the McQuarrie Middle School students do to defeat the Dark Side when you pick up The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, Darth Paper Strikes Back, The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee, The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett, Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue, and Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus by Tom Angleberger. And be sure to check out the tutorials in the back of each book and Art2 - D2's Guide to Folding and Doodling so you can make your own origami Star Wars characters! 

Personal Reflections:

I probably never would have picked up this book if it hadn't been for my 5 year old son who asked me to check it out during a random visit to my library. I am so glad he asked, too, because it was such a fun series to read with him! It is definitely written for middle school kids, but he still got the gist of each book. And I found myself laughing because the books were just a little too close to reality! I definitely recommend this series to anyone who has ever had anything to do with the school system, which means basically everyone. Check it out or buy a copy!  

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