Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Booked by Kwame Alexander


Nick's twelve year old mind is focused on anything but reading books. He's got way too much to think about . . . soccer, the girl he's crushing on, and who has time for books anyway? Nick frequents the library, but it's not to get books.

When his mom suddenly moves out of the city to return to working with horses, Nick doesn't know what to do! Nothing makes sense anymore. How is his dad going to raise him when they barely even talk, and why does he have to read his dad's dictionary every single night?

This story is one of a father and a son learning to get along with each other in the midst of difficult circumstances. While telling this story, we also see the value of books and reading at work.

Personal Reflections

I loved this novel as much as the first novel I'd read of his. Maybe even more. His poetry flows so well, bringing both creativity and a certain amount of wit. I've always thought all life is poetry, so I always appreciate a good novel in verse. Alexander doesn't disappoint in the least with this one. Beauty is found on every page. My favorite character was the librarian, of course, and I found myself getting some good ideas from him. I think everyone will enjoy this story - girls and boys alike. Pick it up at your library!

Batman by Marie Lu


Fans of the Dark Knight will appreciate a great background story of the teen Bruce Wayne, who finds himself entangled in the absolution of a murder case involving a beautiful girl just his age. When Wayne intervenes (perhaps foolishly) with a police chase, he finds himself completing community service at Arkham Asylum, a home for the worst of the worst of the criminally insane. While at Arkham, he encounters the young Madeleine Wallace, who is affiliated with the notorious Night Walker gang. Entranced but terrified by her, Bruce attempts to uncover the mystery behind the murders that keep happening in Gotham City and her haunting past. Batman: Nightwalker is part of the DC Icons series, each story of which stands alone.

Personal Reflections

Any comic book aficionado will appreciate this story. Marie Lu captures readers' attention immediately with an introductory chapter that chills readers' bones while instilling a hunger to know what will happen next. Every chapter seemed to contain a cliffhanger - I didn't want to stop listening! Mystery intertwines with action which intertwines with a touch of romance. It has a little bit of everything. Of course, the Dark Knight's story is always dark, and its beginning is no different. That's what makes the story chilling and captivating at the same time. Highly recommend it. It was a great audio book. Check it out at your library!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Sunny by Jason Reynolds


The Defenders track team returns in book three of the Track series by Jason Reynolds. Here, we get to read Sunny's story as told through entries into his personal diary. Written more like a journal than a novel, Sunny's story is quite unique but nonetheless entertaining. We watch Sunny in a series of roles: runner, shot putter, friend, student, and especially in the role of son. Since his mother died in childbirth, Sunny's relationship with his father is almost non-existent. Yet, Sunny learns it is not quite beyond repair. In an effort to uncover who he is inside, Sunny finds comfort in his diary and in his friends. Can he repair the strained relationship with his father? Find out when you pick up Sunny by Jason Reynolds today!

Personal Reflections

Sunny may be a bit of an oddball, but I enjoyed his story nonetheless. The Track  series flows so nicely, each book bleeding into the next. I wish I knew more people like Sunny, who appears initially to be carefree but is revealed to have a much deeper side. He sees the world in a beautiful way. I definitely recommend continuing the series with this book. It's an easy, kid-friendly read that anyone will enjoy. Give it a try by checking it out from your library!

Patina by Jason Reynolds


Jason Reynolds continues his Track series with the story of Patina, a girl who loves to run but sometimes wonders if she fits in with anyone else.While she's trying to outrun her problems, she also runs for her mother who can't run, her teammates whom she wants to make proud, and to show her little sister the art of being brave. Can she handle the pressure she puts upon herself? Find out when you pick up this sequel to Reynold's 2017 Lone Star book, Ghost, today!

Personal Reflections

As much as I enjoyed reading Ghost, I may have like Patina even better. It's full of colorful yet believable characters, each of whom have their own story to tell. Jason Reynolds does not disappoint with this book. If you enjoy books about sports, relationships, growing up, and overcoming obstacles, then this one is definitely for you! Check out Patina by Jason Reynolds from your library today!

Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson


Jade creates beautiful art out of ordinary things. She's successful in school and even nominated for a prestigious program. Her mother is supportive, her father is active in her life, and her uncle E.J. brings cheesecake for her birthday. She has good friends to encourage her. But, something is still amiss. Her world is accompanied by the existence of a very real social prejudice. When a 15 year old girl becomes a victim of police brutality and later Jade is asked to hand over her bag at store, this prejudice cannot be ignored. In a world made for people with money, can Jade stay on the path to make a difference in her world? Find out when you pick up Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson, available in your library!

Personal Reflections

I found such truth and beauty in this book. So often I can be blind to social injustice. I associate myself with Sam, not really knowing what to say in certain situations although realizing they do exist. Watson brings these things to life, depicting a somewhat harsh reality but also highlighting on the importance of hope, friendship, and taking a stand. The characters are very believable and relatable. I certainly recommend this book for middle and high school students. Check it out in the library or on Overdrive today!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein


Kyle Keeley, a typical twelve year old boy in many ways, spent much of his life playing Mr. Lemoncello's games with his older brothers. He knows them mostly by heart! When the school holds an essay contest for students in his grade, Kyle blows it off until he finds out the prize is overnight access to the coolest library in the world. Even cooler when he finds out its benefactor is none other than Mr. Lemoncello himself! Is it too late for Kyle to join his friends who didn't blow off the contest? Or, by some stroke of luck, could he be one of the chosen twelve? Find out when you pick up this fun-filled mystery/action book in your library!

Personal Reflections

What a fun read! I enjoyed it immensely. I found myself picturing Mr. Lemoncello as a sort of Christopher Lloyd type - wild haired, goofy, full of laughter and cut-ups. I was so jealous of his library because it was so cool! Grabenstein wrapped me in with his depiction of what would obviously be one amazing library - complete with coffee shop, holograms, various statues of all kinds, meeting rooms, video games, and more! Who wouldn't want to spend the night in that place?! If you're looking for a fun book that's not too hard but still keeps you wondering how it all will end, I suggest picking up Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library today - available in your library and on Overdrive!